The depth is checked with a dial indicator that has been calibrated according to the new sensor part number. Shims may be removed or added to get the proper clearance which is between .025 and .030 of an inch. The belt has to be removed and the engine rotated twice to check the runout and get an accurate reading.
Here's a look at the calibrating kit that must be used to read the depth of the bore where the sensor is mounted. There can't be any interference fit, this will damage the sensor. The new sensor is seen here on the left while the rest of the calibration tools are nestled in the carrying case.
That's all there is to it when changing the cam sensor on a DT 466E Diesel Engine on a International School Bus.
Hi,I have a 466E and getting no power to the computer,seems to be lots of power when you turn on the key but will not start not even with a tow. I checked the inline fuses they look fine,Cross over the starter with a screwdriver and it turns over, what else could it be. Thanks Keith in Newfoundland,Canada
Hi Keith,
You've determined already that your starter is working and you have sufficient battery power so now you have to see why you're not getting power to the "SW" termiinal on your starter.
If you get someone to start it for you put a test light on the "switch" terminal on the starter solenoid.
If there is nothing there then you have to trace back to your ignition switch. There should be a start relay on the firewall.
Good Luck
Hi John,
When i depress the clutch and turn the key their is lots of power but the engine will not turn over with the key.
That confirms what I mentioned in my previous comment. If you have lots of battery supply 13 volts plus, then there isn't any power getting to the starter. But is the starter doing absolutely nothing when you try to start? or is it laboring like a slow rpm?
The starter is doing absolutely nothing.I had a tech come to look at it and he put is laptop on it and he is getting no reading from the ecm.So i guess it a tow job to the garage monday morning.
I have a 98 dt466e. I have replaced the high pressure lube pump and lube rail gasket. What do I need to do before I try starting the engine. Do I need to disconnect the cam sensor and build oil pressure before I start it. Have had many different answers. Please help
As long as the cam sensor is reading engine rotation the ecm will detect that and start the engine. I would expect a rough running engine until full oil pressure is reached.
I haven't heard of doing anything other than cranking it up and checking for leaks unless you're talking to someone who has had different experiences with this repair. A warning should be taken seriously...
Thanks John,Im not taking any chances. I will unplug the cam sensor untill it builds oil pressure. I heard from a couple people that starting it without lubrication could do damage to injectors and cylinders causing the engine to seize and having about 5000 in damages.I have asked about 10 mechanics, most of them from international, and have had many different answers. Half say just start it up. I thought it would be a simple answer, guess not.Thanks for your input, every little bit helps. wdjs
Can anyone help me on this: I have an International Dump Truck (99 model with dt466e. You turn the key to start it and it sounds like the starter engages and runs fast but the engine barely turns. I have already tried another starter and it does the same thing.
Check your flywheel/ring gear it sounds like the starter isn't engaging the ring gear properly. Remove the starter and rotate the engine over and check out the ring gear teeth.
Check your flywheel/ring gear it sounds like the starter isn't engaging the ring gear properly. Remove the starter and rotate the engine over and check out the ring gear teeth.
John on your dt-466e engine's use a cam sencor for a 444e.it's a little hotter and work's great.been using tham for 4 year's now.if you get this let me know.selectomatic1@aol.com
I didn't know this, no one at the International dealership ever mentioned it.
If it works..why not?
Thanks for the information.
Hi,I have a 98 466E in a 4700 INTERNATIONAL. I have changed the computer,cam sensor,and the start relay in the dash.It still will not crank.I can jump the wires where the start relay is and it will turn over Do you have any suggestions?Thanks reggie in Apapalachicola,Florida.
John, I have a 04 4900 with a DT466E. The engine starts and runs fine. During a road test the yellow engine light turns on and engine warn is diplayed in the odometer. Once this happens it seems the computer decelerates the engine. I changed the cps and shimmed to new standards, did not correct the problem. Can you offer some advise. Thanks
The best advice I can give you is go to a truck dealer who has the 466E software and scan for codes. This with pinpoint the problem right away and save you time.
Thanks John. I figured a trip to the dealer was un-avoidable. Toggleing the switches on the steering wheel did not reveal the problem, It displayed no codes. ReeferFixer-Baltimore
Hi, I have a 466e and my truck jurks and my injectors clatters its idles perfect.It has a small miss in it and it jurks like it needs more fuel.Could this be my high volume oil pump is bad.
i have a 99 international 4700 rollback towtruck, it ran fine to pick up first car of the day and when i got back and dropped the car adn got back in the truck to go for another car it ran really sluggish, wouldnt pickup speed nor rpm like it shuld, it felt like a clogged feul filter but i changed it and still had same problem. it is a 466 with allison tranny, not sure of the horsepower.. any suggestions before i take it to a shop?
I don't know how much you have done so far but make sure you don't have a fuel seperator (primary fuel filter) that hasn't been changed yet. You probably know about it and have changed it already, I just wanted to start from scratch.
Also, did you pick up a bad batch of fuel? Is there water in the fuel? Any engine warning lights staying on?
Is your oil pressure right up? This effects the HEUI system.
Comment back and let me know how it's going.
it just has the one fuel filter, has good oil pressure, no warning lights, it starts up great and will rev up fine but when you put it in gear and go it takes a long time to gain speed and rpm even to get going 40mph and on flat ground it wouldnt go over 45. bad feul can be a possibility but i bought it(the diesel) from a BP that just put new diesel tanks in the ground so i wouldnt think that would be it. and its had the feul in it for a few days now, when i drained the feul filter i didnt see any water in the bottom of it.
Are you running an Allison automatic or a standard? How does the oil look? Just a thought since the engine checks out normal.
If you're running a standard the first thing I would think of is the clutch slipping.
With the automatic you can try putting it in drive with the park brake on, full brake application and load up the engine. This will determine if the engine is gutless or the trans. is at fault. Also check the auto trans for codes, push the 2 arrows on the shift pad together with key on. I have a post about how to do this.
I remember having this same problem and all it was was the one rear driver wheel was spinning because of loose or worn out dayton wheel clamps.
it has the allison trans. the oil looks good, i run royal purple, i put it in gear with the brake on like you said and the motor would only rev to about 1600rpm with the peddle pushed down and not budge the truck. im stupmed
This happened all of a sudden, the engine is running fine then suddenly it goes into the no power mode. If it missed and had a lot of white smoke I could help you with that type of symptom. Since it's a 466E I would suggest getting it scanned for codes at a dealer. It doesn't take long and should not take more than an hour. This will eliminate the electronic side and see if there are any codes in the history. Come back here and let me know what they find.
im going to run it up to the dealership tomorrow and get it checked out, i will let you know what ends up happening with it. thank you for your time.
hey so b4 i went to the shopi went thru the truck myself i tightened some feul line fittings, cleaned the pre filter strainer out, tightened clamps up on the pressure side of the trbo piping, and unhooked the batterys and hooked them back up and it runs good now, is there such thing as a "limp mode" where if a sensor was reading bad it would set itinto that mode..also im goin to get the oil chenged n hopefully that helps something... im puzzled on what exatly happened.. o and also the bottom of the feul pump was wet with oil or diesel and i snugged up the two plugs on the bottom of it maybe that did it.. what would you think would of caused my problems?
If you have an engine code it may be inactive and when you unhooked the battery that deleted it completely.
If you fixed the problem it may not come back. Drive it, wait and see. I can't say it won't come back but if it does you may have to still get it analyzed for codes or you have a problem with the HEUI high pressure system.
i have a dt466 have no oil pressure. changed out engine oil pump. also changed out oil reg- in the front cover. still no pressure. pulled oil pan pick up tube seems fine. at wits end help harvey
We have an 02 dt466e that one of my techs replaced front cover seals on. Since then, the bus will run good for about 2 weeks then sputter and stall. Each time it shows dtc 143. replaced cam sensor and shimmed each time only to have it run for a while and stall again. after cooling off, runs fine for a while.Would a tooth off on the timing cause this?
we have a dt466e that had front cover gaskets replaced(front and rear). Since then, the bus will run great for about 2 weeks then sputter and stall. after cooling, it will restart and run fine for a while. Each time, dtc 143 is set. Have replaced and shimmed cam sensor twice. Would a tooth off on timing cause this?
1999 dt466 school bus i have here. will not crank over. no power to sw terminal on starter when ignition switch is in crank position. jump relay on firewall and motor will crank. bypassed ns switch, tried diff ignition switch, changed relays on firewall. any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Josh
Hi. I have a 1999 dt466 engine in a blue bird school bus that will not crank over. No power to sw terminal on starter when ignition switch is in crank position. i jumped relay on firewall and engine cranks. Tried changing ignition switch, relays on firewall, and bypassed n s switch. any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks...Oliver
hi john i have a 95 dt466 was rebuilt 1 and a half years ago had no problems unit about 2 weeks ago came in entire front cover was soaked in oil replaced front crank seal and wear sleeve. went good for abouttwo weeks leaking again replaced seal and sleeve again. oil pump was resealed both times and again is leaking out of ideas need help.
Have a dt466e and white smokes terrible and misses lik a bad injector???????????
I am working on a 99 466E engine.does anyone know what the high pressure psi should be in the oil rail leading to the injectors when cranking the engine over to able it to start?
Cv Garage
Have a 98 dt466e and have a code 190 which is engine control speed(ecm) is there a engine speed sensor & where is it located or what else do you think problem could be, oil pressure isn't right.
Cv Garage
I have a 98 dt466e with code 190 which is engine speed (ecm) and oil pressure is off, is there a engine speed sensor & where is it located or what other problems could I have? Replaced Cam Sensor.
j'ai un DT466E, le moteur avait chauffé,et on a changé le joins de culasse,mais ca ne demare toujours pas et le mecanicien a remarqué un peu d'eau et huile qui coulele moteur ne demarre pas .quoi
I have 99 dt466e with oil in fuel manifold what can it be and will that cause eng light to come on at hard eceleraton
hey john have a 99 dt466e getting oil in fuel at manifold
hey john I have oil getting fuel at manifold none in fuel tank
I have an 06 DT466 with a dtc 554 IDM Incorrect CPKO Siganl Signature. Says code is set when there are too few or too many transitions per engine rotation. Possible causes are bad CPK sensor or electrical noise. I have already replaced the CPK and opened the wiring harness to check for any damage, none found. Has anyone else seen this issue?
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