Here I'm setting valves which is .025 for both the exhaust and intake. One of the differences with the electronic engine and the older non-electronic models is the newer engines have the intake manifold built into the valve cover so it weighs much more, making it difficult to remove. There is the Engine Control Module as well fastened to the valve cover on the driver side.
Below is an electronic unit injector that can be tested while running with a laptop for proper injection cycles.

On the International School Bus the dog house inside the cab also has to be removed to gain access to the rear cylinders. This aside the reliability of the DT 466 E and older DT 466 in my opinion is the most reliable model for a medium duty fleet operation. One characteristic with the electronic version is a very rough start up in cold weather because of the engine oil pressure feeding the high pressure system. It takes a bit of high idling to get smooth fuel injection happening.
If you can find a mechanical DT466 then you have reached diesel heaven! With no HEUI and a Bosch fuel injection system you will have very dependable power unit. I can remember in-framing these engines for $1200.00 they are very basic and easy to work on. But technology has taken over and fuel emissions are here to stay.
We have a 1991 school bus with a DTA 466 C engine. We are trying to solve a vibration or banging that occurs at certain road speeds on level or downgrades. It never occurs when accelerating, pulling up a grade or with the foot off the accelerator. We suspect the fuel-injection /governor unit, as the tyres, transmission, Telma retarder have all been changes for other reasons and the noise persists. The banging stops immediately if you pull your foot off the accelerator or if you press down harder. It seems that the problem occurs more readily after 5 miles driving. Have you any advice? Thankyou
try pulling the differential magnetic drain plug and check the for any chunks or pieces. Just to eliminate that part. Usually problems there are constant but it's good to check anyways. Stranger things have happened. I just thought of the diff because the banging noise you mentioned.
Thanks for the prompt reply. I will have the differential looked at. I was out in the bus yesterday and noticed one more clue: Even if one avoids the banging by pulling the foot off the accelerator, the moment the bus engine is not powered and the axle is driving the drive-train, there is marked hum (like loud tyre-noise) that can't be the tyres because it stops as soon as I press the accelerator. Does this also point to the diff?
I am having an odd problem. 1998 DT466. New Radiator, waterpump, thermostat, oil cooler, fan clutch. I have an overheating issue that only occurs over 55 MPH and in the summer as the weather gets around 100 degrees. The temperature gauge starts creeping up to the 230 degree range. As soon as you pull off the highway the temperature starts dropping rapidly to under 100. In traffic, 110 degrees no problem. I am stumped. Do you have any suggestions?
I seem to be having the same problems as Josh. My 1996 IHC DT466 runs at the right temperature in the winter and in the city. However in the summer it overheats on the hot days. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
i have a 1995 int with a466 and recently it has become weak. it runs good but has no power. i have replaced the fuel and air filters. also i have checked the fuel shutoff to be sure it was opened all the way. any ideas?
Check your turbo [remove the inlet piping and feel the shaft for vertical movement or visible marks on the housing.] or attach a pressure guage to the intake manifold and load it up to check boost. It should be around 20 psi.
Have you ever had a major tune-up> injectors and valve set. A sudden loss could possibly be caused by a bad injector [would indicate an engine miss]
Another cause could be fuel restriction. I like to set the fuel supply line into a remote bucket of diesel and note any differences. If so, you need to check for a bad feed from the fuel tank.
Injection timing is another possibility but not likely. That can be checked physically or with a special tool [tach & time light] that the dealers usually have.
Hope this helps
I am trying to buy a school bus nothing higher than 15,000. I am new to this and was hoping that someone could help me. What should I be weary of and is there a reliable place to purchase one without getting taken advantage of. Also what is the number one problem with school buses and is the maintance expensive. Any help woulg be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
I am trying to buy a school bus nothing higher than 15,000. I am new to this and was hoping that someone could help me. What should I be weary of and is there a reliable place to purchase one without getting taken advantage of. Also what is the number one problem with school buses and is the maintance expensive. Any help woulg be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
we have international dt 466 2007 on a flatbed tow truck for some reason it had used some antifreez like 1 gal for 4000 miles i had been useing shell ELC as recomended and i looked for leak or some smell radiator water pump truck has only 5900 miles on it any suggesions , and insted of shell elc can i use dexcool gm coolant or only shell elc is thare any thing which goes with the factory coolant . thank you
I would stick to the factory anti-freeze for warranty purposes.
Don't use Dexcool it has some issues with eating gaskets.
Pressure test your cooling system ASAP. Losing one gallon that quickly has to show up somewhere.
Check the water pump seal [a drilled hole in the bottom side of the casting leaks if the seal is gone]
I recently purchased a 1990 International 7100 with a 466 DT. It is very hard to start and blows white smoke out the stack. It leaks fluid out of the sectional exhaust manifold (I suspect this is coolant. Could I have a blown head gasket or a cracked head?
I would suspect one of the 2 problems is going on. You can remove the exhaust manifold and investigate with the coolant system pressured up but the sure way is to pull the head and check it for cracks and replace the head gasket.
I have a 2007 DT466 w/ oilpressure problem w/ internal pump. where can a tie in a manual guage to test internal pump pressure?
I have a 2002 9100 and am losing coolant into the oil, the truck seems to run strong but am concerned with this. The truck only runs 50 miles a day for three hours. What would be your advise?
I am looking at purchasing an International 1954 flatbed truck with a 466.
It is a year 1984.
Anything special I should be looking for ?
i Have a 99 International Rollback Dt466. It started to miss and buck and carry on under load ONLY when hot or operating temperature. Already replaced filters, 2 injectors, boost pressure sensor and cam sensor. Monitored injection control pressure and other data pressure with Pro LInk while driving/road testing. All pressures and test with in limits but truck still acting up. What do you think??
The most common problem we've had with the 466E is the cam sensor. If you haven't done so already the shim pack setting for the sensor is determined with a depth micrometer tool made especially for this job. We borrow it from the local IH dealer. There is a particular color of sensor that has to be used, the partsman can tell you which one.This failure is heat related since the internal windings fail when the engine temp increases.
Nope we already replaced the Cam sensor. This is our livelyhood and the NORMAL problems that would cause this have been addressed. Are there any ABnormal problems that may be lurking in hiding?? We know that it is heat and load related. We can have partial load on and it runs fine all day but when maxed out is when it acts up. Like I said we have replaced all filters, the CAM sensor, BOOST pressure sensor, and injectors. Anything to the abnormal you can think of?
You've covered all the bases and I'm stumped. I can't think of anything abnormal I've come across through the years different than what you have looked into.
Will your local dealer help you out with service bulletins?
Or have you already gone through them?
Hello John , I,ve just started hearing a high speed metallic noise upon acceleration.This is on a 2001 466dt 463 alison .It sounded like the turbo contacting the housing /there was excessive end play , changed the turbo, same thing.Its at the flywheel end of the engine only intermittent but i,m very concerned Clint
You may have a cracked or broken flexplate which is fastened to the torque convertor.
That's the next thing to checkout by pulling the inspection cover below the housing and rotating the engine.
I have a DT466 School Bus that we just got. Is there a way to adjust the governor to get more speed out of the vehicle?
I have a 1988 Blue Bird Chevy school bus with a 454 engine and a split rear end tranny in it. I was wondering if it was possible to put a diesel engine in it, and if so what kind of engine would be ideal. I wand to make her run off of veggie oil.
Totally changing from gas to diesel is a big operation. Size and engineering considerations have to be dealt with. Since you own a Chevy bus I would start looking at the GM 6.5 diesel. It's most likely that the frame is adaptable to a diesel engine since the factory manufactures made to order buses with all sorts of different specs for engines & transmissions. So the bolt up pattern should be there. You need the proper cooling system, motor mounts, fuel system, an adaptable flywheel to fit the trans. along with reconfiguring the driveline to fit since the length of the block may differ from your present running gear. The time would mount substantially for this type of job and cost a some bucks in labor plus the fit and finish.
I have a 1984 international schoolbus that runs off of veggie oil. for some reason it will only run off of veggie for a mile or so before bogging down. i'm reaching opptimum temp and my filters are good. any body got some suggestions for what i should do?
It sounds like the veggie oil is plugging up the filter. The oil is much thicker than standard diesel oil. I'm not an expert on biodiesel but the micron rating on the fuel filter will definitely determine how much flow is allowed to the injection pump.
i have a 1984 international s 1800 and i noticed there is a qratrer size hole in the bottem of my transmition where i can reach up and touch the gears but my transmition fluid is reading full is the whole suppose to be there
Are you talking about the flywheel housing? There is a ring gear that is located inside attached to the flywheel that the starter drives to crank over the engine. When you said IHC I remember that hole that is directly on the bottom center of the housing.
i have a 2002 4300 flatbed with a 466 have done put new radiator on it new thermostat new clutch fan and still runs 215 degrees is this normal or 2 hot what is normal temp
I would confirm that the temp guage and sender are accurate. There is a tool, an infrared reader that can test the temperature accurately. You just point it at the engine block. Most truck shops will have this tool on hand. You have covered all the bases with your cooling system. The operating temperature should run at 200 degrees, then the shutters (if any) and cooling fan should activate.
i have a 1998 DT 466e that has smoke pouring out of the stack and knocks when up to operating temperature what could be the problem?
You could have a bad injector. You will have to get your engine scanned with Intn'l electronic software to diagnose.
That's the fastest method and cheapest way if it's just the one injector.
Hi John,
I'm a GM diesel tech now running my own towing service. My truck has a 466 and is a 2001 model. I'm losing coolant into the oil. Where is the best place to look?
Coolant in the oil could be caused from head gasket or piston liner seals. When the oil cooler fails there is usually oil in the coolant(being a higher pressure from the oil side).
I would pressure test the cooling system and pull the oil pan and check for leakage.
Sorry to interupt,
Have a 2001 dt466e. Where is plug for block heater, can't find it!!
And it's damn cold up here!!
The block heater is on the driver side of the engine block near the middle. You can trace back to the plug that way.
Good Luck
i have problem with DT466 E engine is not start,there is no smoke in exhaust, i had bleed the air from fuel lines and replace the fuel filters every thing is OK but engine not start please guide me is that its engine control module problem or injectors. only 3 hours before its its was fine and all the things was fine but after stop and when to run again its not start.
after checking the basics being an electronic diesel you will need a reader / laptop with software to read codes.
They have a HUI high pressure oil pump on the left side of the engine that supplies the electronic injectors. Make sure you have engine oil pressure and HUI oil pressure.
Check for engine oil pressure when cranking with an external guage. Seen many oil pump pick-up tube cracked and the pump can't pull a vaccuum to prime with oil. The injectors need oil pressure to operate. If you have no oil pressure try cranking and starting with either, if it starts and keeps running pull the pan and check the pick-up tube, most likely cracked at the brace.
Just performed a in-frame on a dt466 which #4 liner scored. after rebuild now notice coolant dripping from blowdown tube. no coolant in the oil pan, or loss of coolant in resivoir. was advised by dealer that contaminated oil resides in the front cover and will take time to burn out. any clue?
I would stick with the dealer's advice at first. If you are not using coolant then drive it and check again. If it persists then you may have to take an oil sample to test for coolant in the oil or if it's bad... an obvious sludge build up when you pull the dipstick (very obvious at that point).
Run it hard and keep monitoring the problem. There is residual coolant laying around after an in-frame so give it some time.
We are trying to buy two DT466 buses for our Church in Honduras. They almost always come with automatic transmissions (AT545) and we would be looking to switch them to a manual for use in the mountains here...do you know which manual transmissions would be the best choices for us to affect such a change? We would buy the transmissions in the US and do the adaptation here in country.
Thanks for your help!
I have seen very few standard transmissions in these units. They usually come with a 5 speed Spicer but I can't remember the exact model. You will have to adapt to the engine with a flywheel and housing. The at545 is light but does serve well, have you considered changing the diff gear ratio?
im trying to find out some info for my friend, he has a 1986 international dt466 im not sure what model, but he would like to know how to take off the governer and how and where to get a biger turbo, also it does not have cruise control is there a good aftermarket units, thanks matt.
We have a 2005 flatbed tow truck with the dt466 motor. We are having problems with overheating up hills. We just put the new clutch fan in on Saturday, and that did not fix the problem. We are also having problems getting it to start. We have to use ether. We replaced the wiring harness tonight, this did not fix it. Any ideas or advice. Thank you so much.
Taking off the governor is not possible on a Bosch fuel injection system. the governor is set internally. A bigger turbo is not possible since these models are spec'd with OEM parts. Are you having a power problem?
You should have a 2005 DT466E (electronic version). If you have already gone through the cooling system and nothing is obvious I would get the engine scanned for codes.
It does not take long and will eliminate any aggravation... hunting for the cause of the overheat condition. It may be a injection timing issue or possibly a cam sensor. The software will tell you if there is an problem on the electronic side.
I have a 1986 dump truck with a DT466. Had this truck a long time and LOVE IT! last week it started overheating all at once. lost coolant (boil over) and when I tried refilling coolant it would blow it out the overflow. I even let it set over night..refilled the coolant, started it up and the same thing blew it out the oiverflow. So I thought it was the head or head gasket. took it apart to fing the headgasket in good condition.
I had the head checked (magnaflux) and it checked out good.
The piston sleves look good so what else could it be?
John C. Casey
I have a 2000 International with a 466. In town up to 45 mph it seems to run fine, but when we take it out on the interstae and go 30 or more miles it begins to lose power and slow down to 30 to 40 mph. It will do this for the entire trip. The problem has gotten worse, yesterday it would start doing this and just die about every 10 miles towards the end of the 150 mile trip. You can restart just fine, but continues to do the same thing. This is usually accompanied by the engine light coming on and a buzzing noise that goes off and on periodically. Any and all help is appreciated. Thank you.
Not knowing what you've done so far I always check the source which includes the fuel tank supply, fuel lines and filters. If it's starving for fuel one of these parts might be at fault. Checking the simple things first will avoid missing a step in the process. Also check the air filter and piping. If that all fails get a laptop reading at a shop(the year is indicating it's a 466E engine model).
Hope this helps.
Is their a site that I can go to that will guild me on rebuilding a DT466E?
My brother in law has a International 4700 truck outfitted with a hook for hauling trash dumpsters. Originally it came with a different diesel engine with electronic injection. Before he bought this truck, someone took a motor out of another truck? bus? Tractor? that was mechanical injection and installed it. WE can't be sure on the other accessories on this new remounted motor if they were part of the original engine or the replaced engine so can't use those to track back to what truck the replacement engine was in originally.
To order parts and find out correct injection pump fuel lines etc. we need to know the block code on this current replacement engine. Then we can go back to what type of vehicle mount this engine was originally in and then can use the VIN from the original truck it started in to figure out what parts go with it. Everyone onboard so far?
The replacement engine is a International 230hp 1993 DT466 NGD PLN
The imprint on the block is extremely faint as they are little pin dots in the block in a digital digit pattern, not very deep and some have worn off.
So what we have worked out on the block code so far is:
The first blank appears to be a V or U, possible a W?
The second blank is almost impossible, maybe a M or N, or a number or maybe no digit at all?
We are pretty sure on zero84 but could be zero86.
1. How many digits should there be? 12? 13? We are judging by spacing on this and if someone new exact number of digits that would help.
2. In the blanks is there a protocol whether those positions should be a number or letter? Or in any other position that we have a digit worked out is it matching the protocol (letter where a letter should be etc..)
3. Are there some tricks for seeing the dots better? Fill them with dye?
4. Any other engine ID possible outside of this number on the block?
5. Most of the engine ID look up tools show that this engine series should have a 3 digit number starting with a 4, but we have an asterisk starting out the code. Does this indicate this is a non-highway application or something?
I think you understand that getting the VIN of this truck or codes off water pumps or other accessories won't help as we have to track back somehow to the original truck that this replacment motor was in.
Thanks a lot!
I feel your pain! That's why I never recommend throwing different model engines in different chassis. But this predicament was not your fault, I really don't know what the configuration for the VIN should be. Is it possible to get in touch with the previous owner(s) using the vehicle registration and find out where this engine came from?
John Casey,
There is still a compression leak somewhere . The first thing I would suspect is the head gasket, Since you have changed it and checked out the head the problem is obviously lurking somewhere between the cylinder and cooling system. It's odd that the compression leakage being as severe as it is doesn't show up easily. All I can suggest is keep looking at the head on down. Did you machine the head surface and check the block for an uneven deck (using a straight edge)? I take it you've already checked the block surface for cracks? I can't think of anything else right now...repost here if you find anything.
have 1997 4900 with 466e overheats and runs 220 degrees at 65 mph slow down to 55 and drops to 190 any suggestions fluids are up blew out rad.
Being that your engine is electronic I would get it scanned at a dealer first and see what's going on. It may be overfueling or something else that's effecting engine temperature under load. The software is very good and can dig deep into all the parameters and see if something isn't right.
Hi, my church bought 2 Chevy buses (1988 and 1900) from the local school system. In NC all school buses are governed at 45 mph. Since we are not using them as a school bus, we'd like very much to get a bit more out of them. Is there anyway to adjust or turn up the governed speed. I know from driving one of the schools old Chevy activity buses that they can do around 60 or so mph....thans, Darrell
i have a dt466 with oil in the turbo no oil in the antifreeze as well as no antifreeze in the oil just inside the turbo....any ideas
I would suspect the oil seal in the turbo. Check the exhaust manifold for oil first after you pull off the turbo. If none then it's definitely a turbo problem.
It depends on the fuel system you're running. (I'm not up on gas engine specs for that era) If it's carbureted then yes you can unhook the governor. You just have to take car with the rpms.
High, I'm working on a IH 3800/Thomas School bus with a DT466E. I've been working here for about 6 months and have fix vehicle that has been dead for a while, but this one I just can get it going. The mechanic that fist work on the vehicle when it broke down no longer work here but some one told me that he was messing with the injector oil pump. I totally replaced the pump for a good used one. but it seems that is not picking up any oil. Maybe someone had a answer to share.
Check or replace the engine oil pump. Check the engine oil press to confirm. The engine oil system gets the oil up to the HEUI system so if it's weak the injection system won't kick in. We had one just like yours and had to replace the oil pump regulator and pump assy.
I have a 1997 dt466e and the bearing hub that goes to the clutch fan its vibrating and the fan blades hit. I need to know how to remove the fan clutch, the pulleys, and the bearing hub, also i would like to nknow if you have to remove the coolant and how to remove it also the serpentine belt (tightner adjuster)?.
Thank you
The fasteners for the fan and clutch have to be removed and the bearing hub comes off as an assembly. The fan belt idler is bolted to the block as well.
Hi I have 2002 DT466E. When driving at 55mph it will cut out and come back. When you pull up to a stop it will drop to 300rmps and then pull up to 700rpm it does sometimes die and then i shard to start. Sometimes when accelerating it will aslo cut out for a sec. and come back. Thanks for any help.
If you've checked the usual suspects like fuel, filters and fuel lines, you might want to look into getting a scan done at a dealer. If there are any codes in the history it might help you out.
I am a mobile mechanic and I am not a know it all or in a lot of other peoples cases think they know it all.
I have a 2004 international 466 thats loosing prime start with either starting fluid and run 15 20 minutes shut down and will not start again.But on the other hand will run all day long does not have power loss at all. I think it is the high side oil prssure bleeding off.
I changed the metal line garnletts so I know its not loosing fuel prime and I have pumed it up cold by using the priming pump witch is bad. I am going to replace the priming pump short of the fuel filter housing being micro cracked the fuel system is fine. I am realy thinking the problem is in the high pressure oil not building or holding.
Richard Gilmore
2004 international 466 loosing prime start with either starting fluid and run 15 20 minutes shut down and will not start. I think it is the high side oil prssure bleeding off.
I replaced the fuel line gromletts.
The prime pump is bad is leaks as you pump it but holds a seal scewed in.
I am thinkning about diconnecting the high side oil pressure sensor to make sure it is the oil not building pressure.
Richard R Gilmore
we had a DT466E quit on us and found the problem to be no oil pressure to the high pressure system that works the injectors. It's called the HEUI system that is fed by the engine oil pump to the HEUI pump that supplies high press. oil to the injectors. We had to replace the engine oil pump and pressure regulator. I would check the high pressure oil first with a test guage.
Here's the post I did on this problem.
I hope this link works..if not do a search on my blog for international diesel and this post will show up.
You will have to copy and paste the link into your browser or do the search as I stated in my last comment.
Good Luck
I have a 1996 466e I've replace injectors and HUEI pump and cam sensor. I have had it on laptop everything checks. Blows white smoke and back fires. Exhaust is really hot (more than normal). This occurs when go from idle to load rapidly,but if ease in to throttle it will not smoke as bad. Chould this be a turbo problem
Yes if the turbo is not putting out you may get an over-fueling condition which does cause increased exhaust temperatures, white smoke / backfiring. I would pull the piping off and have a look at the turbo compressor and turbine wheels. You can also check the turbo boost as well under load.
i have a 2001 towtruck with a dt 466e and we changed the high pressure oil pump and then it died while driving it. what could be wrong? it also seems like the shut off soleniod isnt getting power.
I would check the new pump pressure with a 5000 psi guage first. Make sure you have the high pressure output. What was the original problem before replacing the heui pump?
I have DT 466 that is leaking diesel into the coolant. We took off the head, replaced the cups,put new o-rings, and replaced the injectors. Then we put everything back together and ran the truck for 30 mins but it's still leaking diesel into the cooant. Do you have any solutions for thi? Why is my truck leaking diesel into the coolant?
You've covered all the bases except the head itself. Did you pressure check the head or magniflux it to check for cracks?
I really can't think of anything else to check since the fuel only runs through the head along side all the coolant passages.
The fuel is a much higher pressure so it would not take long to leak heavily into the coolant system.
i have 2001 4700 dt466e international that wont go anywhere in any gears
Have you got any more details? What general areas have you checked out?
i have a 1997 4700 series dt 466 the truck runs fine for weeks but out of the blue the gauges go out fuel peddle will not work. the only code says irratac cam sencer.have replaced 3 times.while this happining motor runs fine please help
We've had some issues with the printed circuits in the dash assy. One instance was there was no speedo which effected the trans. causing poor shifting. fortunaltely we had another bus with the same chassis and swapped the dash to confirm the defective dash assy.
Have you tried getting the fault codes out of it?
One other problem could be a battery feed interruption like a bad breaker (auto reset type?)
I am about 500 miles from home with a squeal in my turbo. It just started and occurs only during increased workload condition at almost 1200rpms & higher. I can drive it without squeal by letting off the accelerator. Any advice on driving it home? I cannot feel any play in the intake side fan by hand. I cannot detect any failure by hand. Oil line to bearing is hot when running. The engine has no other apparent issues other than the squeal (it presently doesn't seem to affect performance). Thanks in advance.
Hello John,
I've had this problem for over a year now. Been to every dealer in me area and no one can find the problem. My 2001 dt466e engine has been running with no power,bad shifting due to no power. When I bring the truck in they clear the codes, which there are none. Truck runs fine for 3 t0 4 hours and then it goes back to running poorly. I've spent thousands of dollars on this problem and to the internationalships, and am at me wits end. The truck only has 30,000 miles and have been chasing this problem for the last 10,000. Do you have any suggestions on why it runs like new when codes are cleared,then 3 hours later it's running bad again. There are no codes coming up. Please help.
Thank you, Phil
I have a question, What damage can a high valume of water in the fuel system cause? can it cause the the engine to Blow, computers and sensors to go bad?
Bryan, Sounds like a turbo boost leak at a charge air hose or something similar.
Phil, The dealer should step up to the plate and get you the warranty you are entitled to. I'm guessing that the engine ECM is possibly at fault. If you have no codes and it clears up every time the phantom codes are cleared which is like a reboot to a computer then I would ask if there have been any issues (technical service bulletins) with the engine ECM.
Lester, water can damage the injection system mainly the injectors. (if you have an electronic system)older injection systems (mechanical)the injection pump and injectors would suffer without the lubrication from the diesel fuel (water will heat up and wash away the diesel fuel)
Purchased 1993 Genesis Amtran DT466flat nose school bus 38ft. Took bus on tour from California to Washington. Is 25 mph up steep grades in gear 2 normal?
hi,had problem of fuel in crank case changed o rings on injectors and everything else related to the fuel system turned out it was the lift pump that feds the HUEI high pressure pump Hope this helps some one.
Thanks for sharing that with us! One more thing to check when troubleshooting.
That sounds normal depending on your rearend ratio. If it has short legs then you'll get the slow speed.
I have a 96 4900. Gooseneck truck delux! It has a six speed Allison and a mechanical dt466. Problem is the truck will only go about 62 mph- and that's at a little over 2500 rpm. Seems a little tight to me to run for a long period of time. I'd love to get 65 mph at about 2000 rpm. And a little more power would be nice. It's a 190hp. I'd like to see 225-250 hp. I guess I'll have to change the rear gears to get the speed, but what about the power? I don't want to hurt the truck as it runs almost every day hauling loads of hay and farm equipment and dependability is paramount. But it really pulls down on the hills. Any help?
I would check out the fuel / air filters then valve adjustment and injectors. Make sure you're getting lots of boost from the turbo, check for boost leaks at the hoses and piping. That's basic checks for power but the rearend ratio could be a factor with road speed. A lot of those older Internationals came with a high gear ratio. We had a school bus that would not go over 55 mph.
I should say low gear ratio. The ratio numbers are higher for lower speeds.
i recently purchased a 1996 7.3 international school bus, while driving the bus will lose all power but remain idling with no response from the throttle, the check engine light also comes on when this occurs. After rolling to a stop only by gearing into reverse will the check engine light turn off and the bus will regain power to drive again, this has happened a few times in the last week, any ideas? the bus has never stalled when this occurs and always remains at a constant idle
I'm looking at a used box truck with dt466 installed. Can you tell me as a layman how I can evaluate this motor? Also, are there any years or blocks I want to avoid? Things such as pulling the dip stick and looking for crud on the tip, how to check out the thing. I don't want to buy a lemon. When I find a good one, I'll have it thoroughly checked by a mechanic, just want to spot any big red flags myself.
we have a 2006 IH 7400 with a dt 466.It has been missing and smoking at lower rpms.We were told after tests it was the actuator or stuck turbo fins so with 8500 engine hours we replaced the turbo and actuator.We also have replaced lift pump and high pressure fuel pump.The turbo had a lot of bearing play and the truck ran fine for 3 hours.Now the truck will run smooth until it seems to go into a fit and bucks and smokes like crazy.Oh for the good old days of mechanical engines.Some say injectors but would this not be a steady miss? Wound right out at high speeds it usually smooths out but today it barely came home.The whole highway is black with smoke when it has a fit.What do you think is the problem? Thanks in advance. Wayne Isaac
hey i have a 1988 international thomas 7.3 and i cant get it past 45 50 mph. is there a way to adjust the govn. or just bypass it?
I have a 1997 IHC 4900 with the 466E. I just recently bought it, and drove it about 100 miles. it started to loose power on the trip and died. I checked the fuel system and sure enough it air locks. I ran it again for about the same distance. it did it again. I left it overnight, and started it the next morning no prob. it drove 100 feet then died again. once again we bled the fuel system and drove it the rest of the way home no problm. what could the problem be?
hi john you did answer one of my questions about my dt466e running porly and said it,s possibly bad ecm but the dealer said every thing is fine well there is a lot of air in my fuel systym and i made sure that the fuel going into fuel rail is solid no air at all i put a window tube in the line before fuel rail i have gone as far as a new head new injectores new cups in head and still full of air at return coming out of fuel presure regulator the truck runs terrible vibrates vilently no power and exaust is so strong you cant breeth and the dealer tells me it,s fine they all do that 10,000 dollars later my truck has only 30,000 miles on it is that a sign of a defective ecm not sending signal to injectors and leting air in the fuel this is a crime they just won,t fix it please make a suggestion thank you phil in n.h.
hi John, im currently working on a 99 Int 4900 DT466E straight truck, do you have the specs on the High Pressure Oil Pump, what are the pressure reading at certain rpms and temp? ive been reading and it should work between 500 psi and 3000 psi, my lowest reading right now is 345 psi at 190*F and maybe that is my problem. thanks.
I'm looking for 1993,1994 dt466 engine diagram. i have one somewhere, but, lost it. i will post if i find it before someone else does. my injector pump (i believe) went out while the engine was running. the hand primer will not pressure up now and it may be bad too. I'm hoping that the hand primer pump will also cause the engine to seemingly starve for fuel, otherwise, i'll have to try to rebuild the injector pump (or whatever is broken) myself due to lack of funds. If anyone can at least provide a diagram of locations of fuel system that would be all i need right now. email is rrb6699@gmail.com. thanks.
You want to make sure you have a fuel supply from the tank first. Use shop air and cover the fill tube on your tank with a rag, loosen off a line before your primer pump and see if you get fuel.
how would you remove water pump from international school bus 3800 series T444
I have just bought a IH 4700 WITH DT466E (195hp), AT545, 478 REAR GEAR RATIO.
I want to use this for over the road work. I have always driven small vans prior, and I am concerned tht this combination of transmission will have too much rpms at highway speeds, and may not even go very fast mph. I need to drive 1200 miles to get it home, and I have not yet driven it.
I have been told that a solution could be to lower the rear gear ratio down into the 300's. I just talked to a truck mechanic who said this engine doesn't have enough HP to lower it that much, and woul only go down to a 430 rear gear ratio. Even then he is concerned that this set up is not have the HP TO KEEP THE SPEED UP AT HIGHWAY SPEEDS AND WILL LUG.
He said it would be better to switch out the trans to a manual with more gears. He said the cost would be $3000.....but he is far away, and I think where I live the cost would be much higher. The rear gear ratio change will cost $2000 here.
I have been out of work, and have little $ left after buying this truck, so I plan to find whatever work I can (not necessarily with the truck, but maybe) and save up the necesssary cash to have adequate reserves to go out on the road. Meanwhile, I wil modify the truck for over the road. The truck has a crew cab which I will turn into a sleeper.
Maybe I can get work for the truck locally, or at least not real long distance runs. Thus, while I save up money, and can get used to the truck, and make sure it is totally ready for the road. It is a beauty with only 77,000 miles on it and a 24' box.
The rpms and only 4 gears forward is what is bothering me.
I am new to running this big of a truck, as I only drove cargo vans before.
What do you say?
Hi - I need help here. i have a 1998 thomas bus wih an international 3800 series chassis. the bus was idling and then just stopped dead. now when i go to start it - when i turn on the ignition, the light go on except for the WAIT TO START - that doesn't go on and the motor will not crank over - i've check the normal fuses - but cannot fiture it out - is there another safety override or something i am missing? thanks in advance for you help!
Concerning the gear ratio question I would stick to lowering the differential ratio. Find a used differential or get a gear shop to lower the ratio with a new or used crown and pinion.
anonymous-If your engine quit instantly it's either a fuse or perhaps the power solenoid (relay) on the firewall. It controls starting and is on the drivers side.
I have a 99 IH Rollback with the DT530. The truck runs and operates fine and then all at once loses all throttle starts to backfire and smoke profusely. It seems to occur more when you hit a bump in the road. As soon as you turn the key off and restart the engine it runs like nothing happened. Any suggestions? I replaced the cam sensor. Have no codes. Cleaned grounds and inspeced connections. Any help would be appreciated.
i have a 98dt466 and I have had it parked for a few months. It pulled down my batteries so I charged them up today I tried starting it and it wouldnt start. It would crank just nothing more. I pushed on the the prime and it doesnt seem to hold. I have fuel in it? The truck place says probably gromments on fuel lines?? If I push on the scrader valve it lets a small amount of fuel out.
John. What do you think of the 6.9/7.3l idi International motors? Im looking at two, 3 ton flat deck trucks for sale. One is an 86 with the 6.9 and the other is a 7.3 1989. Are they reliable? are they wet sleeved?
Hi there, I have a 99 Int 4900 with a DT466E. She ran dry of fuel and I have primed that sucker 15 times and it is still spitting air+fuel out of the check valve. I think my priming pump is leaking or has bad o-rings. I have not tried ether yet. Is it easier to replace those o-rings or should I just get this thing towed?
It sounds like a possible wrg harness problem I would run the engine and start moving the wiring harness (engine) around vigorously and see if there is any changes in the engine performance.
I would put some fuel conditioner in the tank and replace the fuel filters then prime the system.
What do you think of the 6.9/7.3l idi International motors?
I would choose the 7.3 it's a newer design and they are dependable runners.
Sounds like you have a major sealing problem somewhere on the suction side. You might want to try bypassing everything up to the secondary filter (use a clean container of diesel to supply the fuel system) and see if the system primes eliminating everything back to the tank.
Bypass the tank to the secondary fuel filter with a line into a clean container of fuel. See if the system primes or not and go from there.
Hey john check your ipr injector pressure regulator that fixed my problem.
Hi I have a 2000 international tow truck with a dt466e and I need help with the injector pump I took off all bolts even one that has a tip that looks like a needle. I then put everything back and it wouldnt start anymore I later found out i wasn't supposed to take of that bolt. I guess I have to time the pump now but i dont know how to do that can anyone tell me how PLEASE!
tengo un bus escolar DT466, 98 mi problema es que cuando trato de arrancarlo al siguiente dia para empezar mis labores no me arranca como que se quedara sin combustible y al rebisarlo si tiene y cuando al fin arranca tiene una falla como si no trabajara un iyector auque ya esta trabajando.
don't buy a 2002 through 2005 DT466 without the jugs having been overhauled, they have faulty o-rings installed. every one of ours has leaked antifreeze into the oil, it only happens to those specific years
We have a school bus Model 3800 , DT 466E VIN# 1HVBBAMOWH550653
BODY ID 69496-9943575-0900N
Which Perkins engine Suitable for this vehicle (Electronic controlled)
Our school system has a 1997? IH bus with a DT466. It has a severe oil consumption problem which no one has been able to solve!!! The engine had been rebuilt 28,000 miles ago by the local IH dealer. The air compressor had been replaced since then due to passing oil. This bus has been using aproximately 2-3 quarts of oil daily, approximately 100 miles. NO blue smoke is seen in the exhaust!!! I have driven the bus on the route and have tried everything to make it blow blue smoke!!! It was sent to a local repair facility. They claimed the air compressor was at fault!!! Another compressor was installed under warranty. I was convinced that was not the issue since I found hardly a trace of oil in the air tanks. But I am just a sub driver and sub mechanic, but I have been a mechanic for 40 years. The replacement compressor did not cure the problem. Next they pulled the pan and checked the bottom of the liners and saw nothing wrong. Next step they pulled the head and decided that the engine needed overhauled and was verifid by the IH Dealer. The work was done. When the bus was put back in service, the oil consumption was still the same. NO CHANGE!!!! Their next step was checking the air compressor again. They showed the bulls eye on the card completely covered with oil!! So another compressor was installed!!! Still no oil in air tanks. In my opinion if this much oil was passing through the compressor, the oil dier and first tank should be full of oil!! Of course the replacement compressor did not cure the issue. Next step was to replace the injector tubes and o-rings!!!. With all of this work completed, the oil consumption issue is still there!!! I believe the turbo was replaced at some point along the way also!!! Is there any way the engine oil can be getting into the diesel fuel??? I would think the fuel would get in the oil instead of oil in fuel due to higher pressure of the fuel!!! Any input you might offer I know would be greatly appreciated!!!! It appears to me there is a BIG hole or FAT PIG sucking up this oil that is hidden!!!
Thank You!!
Jay Graham
St. Clairsville-Richland City Schools
St. Clairsville,OH
Need to remove a harmonic balancer DT466 2002 International. Suggestions?
I have a 1665 diesel ford pinto school bus.once she gets to thumpin she gets to bumpin u know what i mean. she develops some rattle some time,i can figure the issue...it is because its 400 years old or because its a ford??????diagnose me school bus doctor
Have a 2006 with a DT466. Engine developed a miss/low power. Had the engine scanned today (no dash lights) and was told the #4 injector is shorted/not firing. Repair shop wants to put (6) injectors, injector wiring harness, bolts, gaskets and fuel pressure regulator. Does this sound correct?
Have a 2006 with a DT466. Engine developed a miss/low power. Had the engine scanned today (no dash lights) and was told the #4 injector is shorted/not firing. Repair shop wants to put (6) injectors, injector wiring harness, bolts, gaskets and fuel pressure regulator. Does this sound correct?
If indeed there is a short sometimes the harness will require replacement or the injector internal winding has failed which of course means it has to be replaced as well. It's a preventive thing doing the whole shot in case another injector fails down the road (if only one was replaced originally). I think it's a safe call by the repair shop so you don't have recurring problems.
I have a 1665 diesel ford pinto school bus.once she gets to thumpin she gets to bumpin u know what i mean. she develops some rattle some time,i can figure the issue...it is because its 400 years old or because its a ford??????diagnose me school bus doctor
The thumpin' is old age. I would check it over really close...all over for frame and mechanical wear.
Hi john I have a 98 international dt466e when check engine light comes on it starts to run hot and cuts off any help would b great thanx
The first thing I would do is find out what the code is and go from there. It's obviously an engine temperature problem and if the engine is shutting down I'm assuming you have an electronic shutdown system? Kysor possibly...They usually kick in at 220 degrees. Check the basics first....stats,rad core,fan drive etc.
Concerning the overheating problem which happens at higher rpm. Consider a radiator hose that collapses due to suction,thus restricting the flow of cooling water to the engine.
truck wont start when cold unplug the oil temp sensor onthe timing cover on the fuel pump side and it starts plug it backin and its fine untill it sits a while
truck wont start cold unless i unplug the oil temp sensor on the timing cover by the fuel pump then plug it back in and runs fine will start again if turned off but after it sits awhile have to do same thing
Hi I have a 1996 Thomas international school bus 3800 DT 466. It has been a great bus until break fluild leak. I replaced the master cylinder and it was great. a few days later breaks got hard and would not stop. help ? Fuses ?
I would replace the sensor it's possibly sending a high oil temp. signal.
I would check the hydra boost on the hydra boost system make sure you're getting hydraulic pressure. A poor pump would effect your steering as well.
The hydraulic system is your brake assist behind the master cylinder.
I have a 2003 466 in a dump truck, my story is similar to laurie's truck runs great. Pressures and temperatures check out. Installed new injectors and every other sensor on the truck. Also replaced the engine mounted computer. Truck runs like a dream at idle, begin to apply load or abruptly jolt the throttle pedal position sensor to the floor and we the engine develops a quiver. If I leave the throttle on the floor long enough the engine finally bumps into the limiter and runs fine.
Upon highway use the engine pulls strong until throttle position is increased to greater than 25%.
At idle if i use a lightbulb style test light to probe the ipr from 12 volts positive reference in order to increase icp injectors number 1, 2 and 4 completely stop firing.
I have checked every electrical connection, + or -, I can find with no luck in fixing this issue. The injectors hold icp to well over 4000 psi. fuel pressure is in spec.
International is stumped, I am stumped, any help would be greatly appreciated, and if I find the answer, i will be back to post the solution.
Have you replaced the TPS? I've had a couple of instances with no codes with throttle hesitation and poor shifting. The TPS was the cause.
Hi john.I have a 1996 dt466 that wont rev up past 2000rpms.lots of blue smoke when this happens.starts right up.Governor?How do I test /check this as I have no diag tools on this island in Alaska.I am a Master automotive mechanivc however. Thanks Robert.
I have a 1987 International school bus/camper. The steering just went nuts jerking to the right and left. Fluid is full and not hot. Is this the pump or the steering box...Thanks
anonymous, Have a look at this governor adjustment on youtube
Gene, Your steering problem looks like the control valve is faulty in the strg box.
I have a 2007 int bus looses water but has no leak nothing in oil any thoughts jimpam07@yahoo.com
Thanks for share about Engine mounting.. very usefull keep posting
hi I am working on an 07 international 4300 cuts out during heavy acceleration..when it does this back pressure spikes to 50+ psi and boost drops dramatically.. I'm pretty sure my problem is in my air management system but I have no codes and cant seem to spot a skewed reading from any of the sensors.. I disconnected the EGR valve and the truck ran great no cuts outs at all...but of course I have CEL on... replaced the valve and still have the same issue. also has new back pressure sensor and turbo actuator. also replaced cam sensor....any help would be greatly appreciated..also checked fuel pressure with manual gauge all ok.. also watched several parameters on a graph to watch for spikes....HELP PLEASE
Hi. I have a 3800 series International 1990 schoolbus. Started and drove fine two months ago. Suddenly will not start, will not turn over. Battery is fine, oil is fine - however noticed the cooling system temp sensor is completely corroded. Also read in the manual that it has an auto-shut off mechanism related to coolant temp. Thoughts? Suggestions? Ryan.
I have a 466D bluebird international school bus 2000.My check engine light comes off and on. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated! Beverlyrufus@yahoo.com
What have you done so far? I would start at the fuel tank and work my way up. Haven't heard of any impact fuel shut off switch.
I answered a similar question same bus. You might need to check the fuel source and pressure to the HEUI system. It needs oil pressure to activate fuel injection.
if you have that much back pressure I would agree with you on the EGR being at fault. Have you tried another EGR ? Strange why there is no code if it's closing down air flow and in the wrong position.
Looking at buying another Bus to convert into a toy hauler...Set on a DT 466 (1995) but how are the DT466E's for private owners?
Meaning, are they more of an issue for weekend mechanics?
Saw a 2003 IH flat nose with only 65k miles...at an school auction...all records...they do not like the flat nose for handicap buses so they are selling them...Thanks...lots of good info on this site.
The DT466E engines are good but need software to read them. Since they are electronic hydraulic injection systems you may have to get into them eventually. One repair we have made on them is replacing the injector seals which isn't a hard job. Good luck with your purchase.
Hi, I have just purchased a 1993 IH 4700 with the 7.3 IDI, automatic, truck was government and is speed governed to 80Km/hr, any idea how to remove this?
What is the Time and Labor Cost of Removal and Installation of an AT Allison Transmission 545 on a Blue Bird School Bus
Hello John.....I have a 2001 4700 International bucket truck with a DT 466E motor. A month ago it started cutting out while driving but would cut right back on. It started doing this a couple times a week but now has gotten worse. It cuts off now going down the road then sit for a minute and will crank back up. Then it will run for several miles and sometimes it will do it again but then it wont. Does this while sitting still as well. I have changed the positive cross over on the battery with the fusses and changed the ingnition switch. Have giggled every wire on truck while it was running but have not found the problem. My next step is changing the cam sensor. What do you think may be the problem? Truck has automatic transmission and I disconnected the emergency power for the bucket on the back. Thanks Matt.
Hi Anonymous questioners,
The 7.3 governed rpm is probably set from factory or I would guess a fuel injection shop could help you out if they know this system. It's a trade in itself working on fuel injection pumps.
Re and re on a At545 in a bluebird should be around 4 hours if everything goes smoothly. Also depends if you have the tools and proper jack.
Interesting....regarding the DT466E cutting out. Electrical problem comes to mind and I would check out the wiring harness under the valve cover running the electronic injectors. With the cover removed and engine running start tugging on the injector harness and see if anything happens. Good luck!
i have a 06 4300 with a dt 466 e new cam new lifters new head new ipr new crank and cam sensors pressure is good at oiler rail and fuel pressure is good at rail problem is no tach reading and after cycle of the key and ecu oilpressure shows as 45 psi and temp of 170 the engine has not been fired or even trying to fire off at this moment help me please im guessing idm comtroler
I agree with you on the idm. We have a fleet so when the speedo wasn't working and effecting the transmission shifting we swapped dashes with another unit. That was the problem. It's hard to spend money on a module replacement when you're not 100% sure.
Our church is looking at an IH school bus with the DT466. This bus has 130K miles, current owner cannot get it to start. He had all six injectors replaced, it will crank but not start. Every once in a while it tries to fire. After reading your post I am guessing it has an oil pressure problem. If the bus has been sitting for a long time, could the oil pumps have lost prime? Would starting it on either assist the oil pressure pump with getting prime? Any other suggestions, like run baby run.....
David J
I am installing a dt530 to a spicer 5 speed.
Crank flanges are different. 12 bolts. 466 has 7 bolts. What flywheel /clutch combination should I use?
I have a 2006 dt466 my boss bought a short block and another tech built it it wouldnt start found the timing was out. Pulled front cover down lined all the dots up, it also was not reading rpms. Now back together and still not reafing rpms. I know it will not pop off until it reads rpms it has a new and the right one cam srnsor. Any suggestions for no rpm readings?
Are there any codes to lead to the cam sensor? I know it has to be shimmed to send the proper reading ... possibility?
1996 dt 466 has a hard start, white smoke pouring out of the exhaust and backfiring threw the intake. no check engine lights. no codes, all exhaust temp readings are normal when running any ideas?
1996 dt 466 has a hard start, white smoke pouring out of the exhaust and backfiring threw the intake. no check engine lights. no codes, all exhaust temp readings are normal when running any ideas?
On the DT466 it looks like the injection timing is way off. Not sure what model of Bosch injection pump you have. Find out how to check timing manually.
I've got probably an easy question, but I'm not finding a good source of reliable info about my mechanical 1996 dt466. I was driving down the road about 10 mins after idling and felt a sudden loss in power steering. I managed to get it off the road, but thereafter lost all air pressure and obviously couldn't move it.
I assumed my air compressor is shot and that's what the roadside big truck repairman said. We filled the air tank with a different compressor and got it home, but I'm wanting to make sure that's the problem and not the governor or anything else. Also, any suggestions on the best place to find a replacement air compressor for that model?
Check the compressor output discharge line removed. Governor operation check no air to unloading compressor allows full output. Jobber compressors are OK decent price
I have a 04 international dt 466. Just yesterday it started smoking white smoke badly out the exhaust i replaced turbo didnt fix it. Truck wont start unless i spray it will starting fluid. Any ideas?
I have a 04 international dt 466. Just yesterday it started smoking white smoke badly out the exhaust i replaced turbo didnt fix it. Truck wont start unless i spray it will starting fluid. Any ideas?
Removing harmonic balancer and pulley, best suggestions?
Trying to remove harmonic balancer/damper pulley, any suggestions on best route?
Hi John, Have a 2001 4700 dt466 that at idle speed or running speed it has an intermitting loss of power for a split second and the engine warning flashes on for that split second as well. Sometimes when at idle it will shut off, however, it starts right back up if you hit the start button. It is almost like the computer is shutting off the fuel for a split second. Any Thoughts?
Drive shaft, drive shaft rubber mounts, bad u joints in drive shaft will do that. Bent rear axle.
I have a 2003 international inline 7.6 DT466E school bus , the brake line blew out I'm pretty sure I need to replace the air compressor . But when putting a new air compressor on does the timing need set to the engine ! Or are the new compressor pre set and no time setting necessary ?? And if the timing needs set how would I set it and what is the number I need t
No timing required just slap it in.
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