Friday, May 18, 2012

Ford 6.0 Liter Diesel Engine Miss When Hot

I have a question for all you Ford Diesel Mechanics Our fleet has a 2004 F550 with the 6.0 Liter and it developed a miss when hot. I test drove it for 1/2 an hour without the trailer and Bobcat and it took that much time for it to start missing. It comes on suddenly like someone hit a switch. Before that it ran perfectly with tons of jam. It also smoothes out at 2000 rpm.

All the injectors have been replaced along with the EGR. The injection pressure is down 10 psi and I was informed that a low pressure will take out the injectors again eventually. I would love to hear from any mechanics or owners who have come across a similar symptom. Please leave your comment below...much appreciated!


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Unknown said...

A quick update, all the injectors had to be replaced along with the EGR. Our fuel pump is running low at 44 psi which should be 55 psi. The lower pressure as I've been told will take out the 400.00 (ea!) injectors so we'll be doing that asap! said...

check your oil cooler if you have access to a scan tool. You want very little difference between engine coolant temp and engine oil temp. More than 10 or 15 degrees means its plugged. Replace it ASAP

Rob Dake said...

You ever get this worked out?