The Cat 3116 block deck surface has to be secured with a special plate fastened down with head bolts so the block does not warp while boring is performed.
Here you can see the scores running down the cylinder wall. Bits of broken metal that came from the exhaust valve seat lodged between the piston and cylinder. The turbo will have to be sent out for repair as well since the failure was on the exhaust side. Fragments will have went through the turbine wheel[exhaust side of the turbo] which runs on a very close tolerance.
Once the block is standing up resting on the flywheel housing the pistons are easily removed. All accessories have been removed including the oil cooler, governor, front gear housing ,camshaft and follower assemblies.
The cylinder head was removed while in the bus frame. We built a lifting bracket to fit over 2 head bolt holes and picked up shorter grade 8 bolts so the block could be hoisted out of the frame.
They will hot tank the block and later press in new camshaft bushings.
Stay in touch with this blog as I reassemble our CAT 3116 Diesel Engine.
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