The block has been machined and new sleeves pressed in the bores. The Cam Bushings were installed by the machine shop as well.
The first thing to do is install the piston cooling nozzles {as seen above} which get Main gallery oil pressure. They are held in by M8 fasteners and the torque is 18 ft lbs. + or - 2 ft. lbs.

The tang on each bearing makes it impossible to put them in wrong. The # 5 Main Bearing acts as the thrust bearing.
The other half of each bearing set must be matched up with the corresponding bearing cap.
Coat each bearing with a generous amount of Lubriplate grease {my favourite} or any other recommended engine assembly lube. Assembly grease is a good idea if the engine will be out of service for awhile.

Make sure the main bearing caps are clean and install the bearings aligning reference tangs with notches in caps.

Carefully install bearing caps, they fit snugly in block and don't need to be forced. Lubricate threads and between bolt head and flat washer of each main bearing capscrew.
Torque the cap bolt on the TANG side of the bearings first and then the other side to 45 ft. lbs. {Tang is the bent out portion of each bearing used as a reference when installing in the block or the cap}
Recheck torque and then turn each bolt 90 degrees starting at the non- tang side of each Main Bearing then move to the tang side.
Above you can see we are using a Torque Angle Guage from Snap-On tools.
Finally finish off by checking the end play of the Crankshaft with a magnetic base dial indicator which should read between .003 and .009 in.
More posts coming on our Cat 3116 Diesel Engine.
We have a 1994 GMC TopKick LoPro with a CAT 3116 Engine 6.6L and the crew ran it out of diesel. We put diesel in and now it does not want to start. What do we need to do? The only time it stays running is when you spray starting fluid, you step on the accelerator and their is no response. Please E-mail me at bfullen1@gmail.com and can I be invited to your blog so I can post these and other diesel questions. Thanks Bob
I have the same problem. A 30 year mechanic recommended pressurizing the fuel tanks to force fuel into the lines and intake.
do not pressurize the tanks! first remove your fuel filters there should be two.. one is a fuel water seperator and the other is a regular spin on fuel filter after removing them make sure not to lose the o-ring it may stick to the fuel filter housing.. now fill the spin on filter with clean fuel. make sure it is clean!!!!! put the spin on filter back on do not overtighten, next drain the fuel water seperator there should be a drain valve on the bottom close the drain and fill the housing with clean fuel then reinstall filter, if the water seperator filter is just a regular filter with a drain valve on the bottom do the same as above. once filters are full of fuel and reinstalled check to see if there is a primer pump above the filter on the engine turn knob to left to loosen so you can push the pump in and out do this until it gets hard to push in and out then tighten knob turn key to on postion let intake heater stay on for about a min then hold throttle to the floor and crank if it does not start immediately this is normal it will sound like its tryin to start just keep cranking but do not crank for more than 30 - 45 seconds cause your starter will get hot let the starter cool for a min then crank again while still holding throttle to the floor if you do all this it will start and do not use either unless you want to blow the intake off or hurt the pistons or rods the intake heater will ignite the either causing damage good luck post again if you need help
Bob is right do that first and hopefully you have a factory hand primer on your engine. If you have to pressurize the tank you MUST crack a fitting along the fuel circuit as you go until you get to the primary and secondary filters.
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