The Cummins ISC Diesel Engine has an accumulator that supplies fuel to the electronic injectors. The problem here is the drive has shattered causing a no- run condition.
Mounted in-line with the accumulator housing is the fuel transfer pump and distributor body.
So no drive means no fuel supply which equals a non-running diesel engine. There were many fine fragments from this failure so we replaced the entire component.

This replacement is a big job especially on a school bus because of the limited access to the passenger side of the engine.
The accumulator is gear driven and also has a fuel pressure sensor and injection control valve attached to it's body.

The accumulator assembly is the mechanical workhorse on a Cummins ISC Diesel Engine.
Can you install a MBE900 on my '04 Dodge RAM 2500?
Hi, I have a similar problem, I need the inyection control valve and i didn't find it, because i have this engine in a CASE hidraulic excator and they sell the entire distributor, please if you have the Cummins part number for the control valve I will apretiate your help
The ICV Part # we have in stock is 4089662RX
hope this helps,
i'm lookin to buy a 4089662RX
icv kit , but i cant find it on the web ??!!
Please help me finding one !:!
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